Kitchen Management & Planning Consultance
Der Philosoph EPIKUR: „Ich wüßte nicht, was ich mir überhaupt noch als ein Gut vorstellen kann, wenn ich mir die Lust am Essen und Trinken wegdenke, wenn ich die Liebesgenüsse verabschiede und wenn ich nicht mehr meine Freude haben soll an dem Anhören von Musik und dem Anschauen schöner Kunstgestaltungen.“
Organisation, Calculation, Kitchen Management & Planning
I'm looking for a really interesting new career challenge! As you can see from my CV, I am originally from the catering/restaurant buisness and was there for years in a managerial position. My last Job was as a kitchen manager for a 13p. Gaullt Millau restaurant in Berlin.
To stay healthy and fit, I have decided to leave the noisy and very "special" work area of the kitchen.
Even while I had to do office work as a chef/kitchen manager, in accordance with the usual requirements for the kitchen line, I found it a great pleasure to do this. As beeing in a leading position before, i know from my personal experience, what it takes if you need a really good and loyal assistant!
All the years I was - as well as for the food /taste/ menu - responsible for the customer correspondence, when it came to the planning of events and their culinary accompaniment, service oriented myself consciously to customer needs and worked my way into the entire event logistics and personnel planning. I took over the calculation (use of materials, personnel costs and operating costs attributed to sales and expected profit) of events up to 1200 people, negotiated favorable terms with various suppliers and took care later to accounts, because that was me, I enjoyed and therefore succeeded quite well!
I could imagine to represent your company with my friendly and courteous manner in the front as well as in the "background" by organizing, controlling and email correspondence.
I would be very happy if you discover me as a valuable employee and we meet with in the future as a success-oriented team of energetic and motivated people mastering interesting challenges!
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